Author: Liza Tong, Heng Sopheab and Tuot Sovannary
No. of pages: 62
Publication date: 2012
អ្នកបោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ ចក្ខុវិស័យ
Available languages: អង់គ្លេស
With funding support from the EC, KHANA has been providing focused prevention and comprehensive care and support for MARP, PLHIV and OVC through community based care team since 2007. Since 2010, KHANA has been implementing the new Home and Community Based Care approach adapted from the SAHACOM model; which provides a more sustainable and improved management and coordination of the services. The Social Return on Investment study uses an innovative form of cost benefit analysis to monetize the project outcome. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. The findings showed that for every $1 invested in the ICP project generated a return on approximately $2 worth of social, health and economic values. The ICP yielded the significant impact notably in the area of food security, wellbeing, improved health and improved productive capacity which enable greater economic return for the households.